Punjab Congress chief Navjot Singh Sidhu on Sunday condemned the alleged sacrilege attempts at the Golden Temple in Amritsar and at a gurdwara in Kapurthala, saying conspiracies are being hatched to disturb peace in the state. He also said “deliberate and malicious acts” intended to outrage religious feelings should be dealt with deterrent punishment.
“Punjab is built on strong foundation of Oneness & universal brotherhood laid down by Guru Sahib. No divisive forces can destroy strong social fabric of Punjabi Community. Deliberate & malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings should be dealt with deterrent punishment,” Sidhu said in a tweet. Earlier, addressing a public meeting in Malerkotla district, he said, “Even today, conspiracies are being hatched to disturb peace in Punjab.” The cricketer-turned-politician said those involved in any incident of sacrilege should be awarded the maximum punishment.
“If any incident of sacrilege takes place — be it of the Quran Sharif, the Bhagavad Gita or the Guru Granth Sahib — the culprits should be publicly hanged, should be given the maximum punishment under the Constitution because such incidents hurt our sentiments. “Anyone can make a mistake, but this is not a mistake, this is a conspiracy to weaken and finish the society,” he said.
Two unidentified men were beaten to death in Amritsar and Kapurthala after they allegedly attempted to commit sacrilege.
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