The House of Commons Speaker, John Bercow’s vow to not to allow Boris Johnson to prorogue the parliament to force through a no-deal Brexit without the consent of MPs and his promise “will fight with every breath in my body” to stop it, has caused concern in the British political circle.
The situation has been simply compounded by USA president Donald Trump taking keen interest in Boris getting a no deal Brexit. Large section of Britons views this approach of Trump with suspicion. They nurse the feeling that Johnson may even circumvent parliament. Questions are being raised about the rational of the Trump’s move: why Trump administration should favour a chaotic divorce between Britain and its European allies?
Actually this is the fear that made Bercow to say; “I feel strongly that the House of Commons must have its way and if there is an attempt to circumvent, to bypass or to close down parliament, that is anathema to me.” The only reason is British government is trustingly inclined to go along with it.
Three years ago when David Cameron had opted for referendum to underline Britain’s relation with EU, the Brexit had not attained the character of symbol of British nationalism, But gradually during these three years of Theresa May’s rule the situation has changed substantially.
Now Brexit is an English nationalist movement. The passion that rouses it is English self-assertion. Brexit is the logic of English nationalism: the birth of a new nation state. But in the case of Britain it is intriguing proposition. What made Britain to strive for asserting its identity?
Nationalism is almost universal and Britain also has the right. But this would be somewhat different in its case. It will primarily focus England and not the whole of Britain. There’s nothing inherently absurd about the notion of England as an independent nation state.
The political developments during these years over Brexit make it explicit that the spirit of nationalism is going to dictate the future of the country, which once ruled the entire globe. The fact is, the EU does not want any of its constituent parts to leave. What it wants is “ever closer union” in a journey destined in its eyes to end in a federal super-state—a United States of Europe.
The British exit (Brexit) from the EU has turned into national nightmare, an existential crisis for the world’s fifth largest economy. The effort to delink Britain from the European Union is proving far more formidable. It is nearly impossible for the UK to fully extricate itself from the EU’s embrace. Until December 2009 and the Lisbon Treaty, there was no provision for a member state to leave the EU, so Article 50 was added. However, no one ever imagined that a major player like the UK would want to “up sticks” and leave.
David Cameron after getting re-elected as Prime Minister tried to renegotiate Britain’s EU membership. But could not succeed in getting more benefits. In fact his move for holding a national referendum on 23 June 2016 was mainly meant for creating pressure on EU. Though he held the referendum on whether the country should leave the EU or stay in it, he never seriously thought of quitting the EU.
Growing nationalism is pulling the UK apart, driving it towards an economic calamity and unleashing the most serious constitutional crisis since the 17th century.
Rebel MPs are working on a plan to thwart Boris Johnson pursuing a no-deal Brexit on 31 October that involves forcing parliament to sit through the autumn recess. The cross-party rebels are planning ways to block no-deal in law partly because Labour has made it clear it could not support a national unity government formed in the wake of a no-confidence vote. The party would prefer to push for a general election or minority Labour administration led by Jeremy Corbyn as opposed to supporting a compromise candidate such as Yvette Cooper or Ken Clarke.
Though Corbyn is also facing flaks for helping create the present crisis and a determined Boris to show him in poor light, by and large the political leaders of UK see him as the next prime minister. They nurse the impression that most of the moves of Boris are aimed at presenting Corbyn as a person opposed to the UK’s interest.
The things are moving it is clear that the October 31 deadline on no-Brexit deal would prove to the crucial fight between Boris and Corbyn. However, rebel Conservative MPs are wary of a plan to install Corbyn as even a temporary prime minister and many prefer the option of legislation to block no-deal rather than a vote to collapse the government. (IPA Service)