By D. Raja
A calamity is hitting India today – calamity caused by corporate-communal fascism. This is being articulated aggressively by RSS. The recent speech made by RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat at Nagpur is an emphatic reiteration of this.
RSS which claims to be the largest NGO in the world, is acting as an extra-constitutional authority in India, controlling the present government headed by Narendra Modi and directing the government what it should do or what it should not do. It keeps making suo motto claim that it represents the Hindu community and Hindu society despite the fact majority of Hindus do not subscribe and support the sectarian, divisive, communal fascist ideology of RSS.
Mohan Bhagwat in his Nagpur speech, hailed the action of the government in Jammu and Kashmir and abrogation of Article 370. He also referred to the ongoing global trade war between the US and China and lauded the steps taken by Modi government as allowing Foreign Direct Investment and Disinvestment of Industries. RSS, instead of condemning the mob lynching, gives a spin saying that lynching is alien concept and a conspiracy to tarnish Hindu culture. Mob lynching is a reality and has become a new normal. The country knows who are the lynchers.
Mohan Bhagwat has declared that India is Bharat i.e. Hindustan i.e. Hindu Rashtra. Dr. Ambedkar emphatically rejected the idea of Hindu Rashtra. He said if at all Hindu Rashtra becomes a reality, it will be a calamity for the nation.
RSS-BJP combine leaves no aspect of life to remain in tune with the modern times marked by the significant growth of science as well as by the remarkable victories made by the working class and its allies all over the world with its class ideology. They trample upon every right of the people won through relentless struggles. They use NRC to deny citizenship to some sections of religious minorities.
The National Executive of the Communist Party of India at its last meeting in September called upon all its units to carry out an ideological and political campaign from October 2 to November 7, 2019 and expose the nefarious designs and activities of RSS, BJP and their affiliates.
The ideological campaign of the communists weave around three main aspects — theoretical knowledge, activities among the masses and enhancing political awareness.
Let us look at the present-day situation in our country under Modi regime. The economy is in shambles and the crisis is deepening with the passing of every day. The Reserve Bank of India’s monthly Consumer Confidence Survey for September shows deep pessimism about the employment situation among Indian Households. For the first time ever since September 2012, when this index came into being, a majority of respondents, 52.5 per cent, felt the employment situation has worsened. On the overall economic situation, almost half, 47.9 per cent of the households felt it had worsened. These facts must be explained to the masses along with our understanding that under capitalism there is no end to unemployment and other miseries which is why we demand unemployment allowance and universal pension scheme.
The reform measures that the Modi government is undertaking also need to be thoroughly exposed. The bank mergers, continuous repo rate cuts, tax relief to corporates and such other roll-back/ relief steps are not in any way going to bring any relief to the general masses. In the festivals month of October the masses are not at all enthusiastic to spend their earnings or savings even on essentials as they are more worried and less confident of their future income. Party units must make serious efforts to hold seminars, symposia, etc, on the economic scenario involving experts on the subjects and jointly with all democratic and other left forces, bring out booklets, pamphlets, detailing the hollowness of the rightist economic policies.
Similarly on the shutdown in Jammu and Kashmir denying even the basic rights to the local people while keeping their leaders under house arrests, campaigns need to organized against the evil designs of the RSS-BJP government at the Centre. The sinister move to consolidate Hindu votes making full use of armed forces’ victories, Islamaphobia, etc, have to explained in detail to the masses.
Along with other national issues like mob lynching, rising atrocities on Dalits, local issues concerning particular areas must also be taken up in the campaign. Let me also take this opportunity to appeal to all the left, democratic, secular forces to “strike together, while marching separately” against growing fascist offensive. (IPA Service)
The writer is the general secretary of the CPI.