By Marcus Barnett
Jeremy Corbyn has said Labour will resist a “sweetheart trade deal” with US president Donald Trump and will deliver a “green industrial revolution” for Scottish workers.
Speaking at the Fighting For Our Future rally in Kirkcaldy, Fife, the Labour leader said the party “will have no truck” with any deal that would lead to “intervention by American companies into our health service, into our public services.”
Mr Corbyn called for a “green industrial revolution” to rebuild areas such as Fife, where the local community has experienced recent instability due to the hollowing out of available work at the Bifab fabrication yards in Methil and Burntisland.
Although the yard’s workers are hoping to secure a £2 billion project from EDF to build offshore wind turbines for the Fife coast — only 10 miles away from the site — they fear that the French utilities company will send the work to Indonesia instead.
Mr Corbyn said: “It really is not credible to say that it’s the right thing to do to build facilities that will be used for the generation of electricity on wind farms in the vicinity, almost in sight of the coast, and you’re dragging the manufactured parts to make those wind turbines 8,000 miles by sea with steel that’s probably come from 10,000 miles away.
“Where is the sustainability in that?
“The sustainability is in using the local skills, using the local knowledge, using your own manufacturing capability and developing the infrastructure that goes with it, and so we as a party are working very hard on the principles of what I call a green industrial revolution.”
Mr Corbyn also said that Labour will fight a no-deal Brexit, and will hold the government to account to answer over the “irresponsible” prorogation of Parliament.
Fife Trades Council secretary Tam Kirby told the meeting: “Our children are showing us the way, they are telling us we need a green industrial revolution. We have failed them, because we should have started this green revolution decades ago. We need a real industrial strategy, to create well paid unionised jobs for our children and grandchildren.”
Courtesy: Morning Star