BRS MLC K Kavitha, who is also the daughter of party chief K Chandrashekar Rao, was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) earlier today following a raid by the probe agency officials at her residence in Hyderabad in connection with the Delhi liquor policy case. A video has since surfaced on the internet featuring visuals from inside the residence of Kavitha shortly before she was detained, showing a heated exchange of words between ED and BRS leader KTR.
An argument ensued between ED officials and BRS leader KTR, who is also Kavitha’s brother when the probe agency served an arrest memo on the BRS MLC. KTR alleged ED produced an “illegal arrest warrant” against Kavitha, while the probe agency officials told KTR not to “obstruct” the team’s work. An ED official is also heard telling him that “legal remedies are available”.
“Search is over and an arrest warrant is produced, and now she says family cannot come in. She also says that she has no transit warrant, she cannot produce before a magistrate but she wants to make the case (sic),” KTR said while holding a document in front of the camera, according to an NDTV report.
KTR further accused the ED officials of violating an undertaking the agency had given to the Supreme Court and said, “You are in serious trouble”.
#WATCH | Visuals from inside the residence of BRS MLC K Kavitha; a heated exchange of words going on between ED and BRS leader KTR Rao.K Kavitha is being brought to Delhi by ED; she will be further questioned.
(Video Source: BRS worker)
— ANI (@ANI) March 15, 2024
Quoting ED sources, an NDTV report said that the drama ensued outside the Kavitha’s residence as BRS members surrounded the agency’s cars when they were leaving with the party MLC.
Soon after, KTR took to microblogging site X and accused the BJP of “abusing power and institutional misuse to settle political scores”. The BRS leader further said ED needs to answer the Supreme Court on the “inordinate rush to arrest” when the “matter is very much sub-judice and up for review in a couple of days, on March 19”.
“Abuse of power and institutional misuse to settle political scores is something that has become increasingly common with the BJP government in last 10 years ED needs to answer the Supreme Court on the inordinate rush to arrest when the matter is very much sub-judice and up for review in a couple of days, on the 19th March. What’s even more appalling is the ED undermining its own undertaking given to the Hon’ble Supreme Court Justice shall prevail and we will continue to fight legally,” KTR said.
The arrest comes on the same day the Congress government in Telangana completes 100 days and Prime Minister Narendra Modi holds a roadshow on Friday in the Hyderabad suburb of Malkajgiri.
With inputs from News18