Samajwadi Party founder Mulayam Singh Yadav’s funeral will take place with full state honours in Saifai on Tuesday afternoon. Chants of “Netaji amar rahein” reverberated across the village as people from across length and breadth of Uttar Pradesh thronged socialist leader Yadav’s native village for his last darshan Monday.
Yadav died on Monday morning at a private hospital in Gurugram and his mortal remains reached here in the evening.
According to a senior official, in view of a large number of people including VVIPs, VIPs expected to arrive for the darshan of the late Samajwadi Party founder, tight security arrangements have been made. A large number of locals, party workers, leaders and women are continuously reaching Saifai village to extend their condolences and pay tributes to the departed soul.
Chief minister Adityanath reached Saifai and paid tributes to Yadav on Monday. He also paid floral tributes on behalf of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Uttar Pradesh Governor Anandiben Patel and the Uttar Pradesh government, it said.
With inputs from News18