By Ashis Biswas
In Bangladesh, a bunch of unelected interim ‘rulers’ led by economist Mohammad Yunus is desperately anxious to cosy up to Pakistan, from which their country had seceded violently only over seven decades ago. In a strange reversal of their own (instant?) history, Bangladeshis have shown an apparent inability to exist and function as an independent, sovereign country in South Asia — only, the irony of the present situation has been lost among Dhaka-based authorities for the moment.
Consider the facts: Bangladeshis, as former Pakistanis, were regarded as poor, third rate ‘citizens’ in the Eastern wing of an Islamic republic in 1947. Fed to the teeth over their exploitation, they decided in 1970-71 to secede, totally rejecting Pakistan. During subsequent decades despite occasional tensions, they broadly aligned themselves with India — until a few months ago. In achieving their freedom, they paid a very high price in terms of lives lost, struggling against the ruthless Pakistani army.
Suddenly now, in 2025, some Bangladeshis led by Dr. Mohammad Yunus and team, have decided that they would be better off living with the much derided and hated Pakistanis, once more! Suddenly, India has emerged as the new anti-Bangladeshi villain in South Asia, in the official Bangladeshi political narrative, after the anti Awami League (AL) coup of August 5 2024.
It is not surprising therefore that India and even non- resident Indians with no links with GOI, are being excoriated for many of the systemic problems plaguing Bangladesh. These range from a large trade gap in bilateral deals to a drying up of international rivers and even pressures against Bangladesh in its dealings with the IMF and the World Bank!
Whatever the explanation for the spectacular eruption of anti India anger, the Yunus-led administration recently sponsored a controversial visit of the Chief of ISI, the powerful intelligence agency of Pakistan with a none-too-savoury reputation to Bangladesh.
Given the present chill in Indo-Bangla ties, most Dhaka-based commentators/analysts have commented on the strong, unfriendly signals being sent by Dhaka to Delhi. The ISI visit comes in the wake of a few other steps already announced with much fanfare in Dhaka. The caretaker regime is in a tearing hurry to befriend the Shahbaz Sharif-led Government in Pakistan.
It has already relaxed visa regulations for Pakistani visitors and is arranging more courses in Bangladesh for the promotion of Urdu.. Cultural exchanges and tie-ups are being encouraged. New text books, omitting the role played in the freedom movement by the late Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Tajuddin Ahmed, or even Ziaur Rahman, are being circulated among students. Naturally India’s helpful role and contribution to the Bangladesh freedom struggle, its support to Rahman’s Awami league, the martyrdom of at least 10,000 Indian soldiers during the Indo-Pak war, have received short shrift, according to reports.
In short, within the first five decades of its rollercoaster existence, Bangladesh has been forced by a group of totally unmandated ‘authorities’ to rewrite — and even falsify — its own very brief history, This had not happened even under the tenure of former Gen Ershad, who ran a spell of virtual army rule in the country.
Analysts find it alarming that present ‘authorities” of Bangladesh who are constitutionally answerable to none, have not flinched from distorting /suppressing well documented established facts of their own contemporary history, to please their domestic hardline pro-Islamist lobbies. This is the section of pro Jamati forces that has always remained close to Pakistan, cherishing the visions of a stricter, Shariat-dominated order emerging in Bangladesh.
This is why In an Orwellian twist in Bangladesh’s history, it has become necessary to forget what had happened during the tenure of the Awami League, From now on Pakistan would receive top priority as the new government in Bangladesh seeks to introduce “bold reforms’ and major functional changes as an’ independent’ country, at home and abroad. If influential circles in India are upset about this, too bad — they would have to deal with the new Bangladesh.
This is the broad message emanating from Dhaka by Yunus and team, as of now. The truth is somewhat different, and also less palatable:
Until 1947, East Pakistanis had been manipulated and exploited by their tormentors in the West. Then, following their independence, for several decades the country followed good relations with India, appreciating the bigger country’s help during the freedom struggle and its economic/other assistance. Now in 2025, people ruling Bangladesh feel they must follow Pakistan again, once more taking an abrupt 180 degree turn, In other words, it must follow the lead of its regional neighbours, India or Pakistan!
This presents a total contrast with the way Nepal or Sri Lanka have conducted themselves in South Asia, dealing with India, Pakistan or China.
In closing the door on India’s face firmly, after the August 5 2024 anti-AL coup, Bangladesh, according to some observers may have already gone too far. Such a view persists despite Dhaka quietly reversing earlier efforts launched officially and unofficially, to redefine economic/trade ties with India. Of late, Bangladesh has resumed buying essential items like rice and vegetables in bulk from India again, but only after its efforts to secure such items from countries like Pakistan or Thailand at affordable prices did not work out.
The open display of bad taste and sheer cussedness in certain recent dealings with India by Bangladesh demonstrates, a lack of balance and an absence of normal diplomatic courtesies in bilateral ties. Its invitation to the ISI cannot be seen to be anything other than a major provocation and a deliberate insult to GOI. The move also desecrates the memory of thousands of Bangladeshi freedom fighters/martyrs who had been killed while fighting Pak troops in 1970-71 war of independence. Naturally, this has not gone unnoticed even among leaders of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) which has not supported the total falsifying of recent history by the Yunus-led cabal
It matters little whether Bangladeshi freedom fighters were supporters/workers of the AL or the BNP. Such is the insensitivity of the present unelected ‘rulers’ is that they cannot even appreciate that they were ridiculing their own freedom struggle and slandering their own sacrifices and political struggles
Nor is the ISI visit the only instance of its kind. Bangladesh recently cancelled at the last moment its earlier agreement with India to send a 50-strong delegation of judicial employees and .officers for a training course. Coming on the heels of constant Bangladeshi threats to review and cancel all bilateral trade and transit agreements, along with existing river water sharing agreements, this was yet another deliberate snub against Delhi.
It redounds to the credit of the social media network of Bangladesh that critical questions are being increasingly addressed to the interim administrators. The mainstream media, as with such media in other countries, has not quite been as boldly critical of the new rulers as the smaller operators. (IPA Service)